Encyclopedia of Code
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Change the Size of the Checkbox
This code snippet will allow you to change the size of the checkbox in a form.
Change the Size of the Radio Button
This code snippet will allow you to change the size of the circle radio button in a form.
Use a Custom Icon for the Radio Button
This code snippet will allow you to change the circle radio button to an icon of your choice.
Resize the Newsletter Form Input Boxes and Button
This code snippet will allow you to change the padding inside the Newsletter Form field element input boxes and button to make them smaller/bigger in height and width.
Change the Order of the Date in a Form
This code snippet will allow you to change the date to Day, Month, Year in a form in Squarespace.
Customize the Input Text in a Form
This code snippet will allow you to edit the style of the text that a user inputs into a form on Squarespace.
Change the Form Button Colour
This code snippet will allow you to change the color of a form button.
Two Items Beside Each Other in a Form
This code snippet will allow you to float two elements beside each other in a form.